PONJUREEN: A plover that persists on pigging on poignant and piquant pepper-berries. Consequently, the contradictory critter commonly cruises in the converse to cool its can. Ⓡ

BEAR-BEHIND: Better to beware of the bare-behind than be burglarized by this bandit. This mischievous meandering migraine musters a mug mirroring a Missouri maker of mandates and measures, a member of municipal ministry, or minor mayor. But, to the betterment of this brute its bottom boasts the body of a benign bear. Hugely harmless in hindsight to its horrible head. However, this heartless hulk is a heister of horticultural. The scoundrel steadily swindles snuff from sundry sorry souls, surely suffering they are from a scant and shrinking supply. Ⓡ

OLD SPIDER LEGS, THE EIGHT LEGGED HORSE: An obfuscating oddity outfitted with an octave of outgrowths for outdistancing. Especially, an equine entity enjoying eight extensions engineered for expediency. In layman’s, legs, literally legs, for lunging long lengths in less. Ⓦ

FLANNEL-THROATED GOLOSH [ARCTIC BIRD OF THE POLAR SEAS]: This zappy zealot zooms on zephyrs, in a zig-zag, with zeal and zest, zipping as if a zany zeppelin, into the zenith to the zones of 0°. Ⓒ

LUEBKER EAGLE [WILD BLUE YONDER WONDER]: This entrapped eagle enters eternally into the endless frontier forever flying. For our friend of a feather faces a formidable fence in the finale to its frequent forbearance of forgoing fertile fields. This laughable lark lacks legs to land locking it into the latter of latitudes limits. Here in the heavens, hatchlings are had and hasten to hover hoping to hit to the hemisphere not the highlands. Ⓦ

HOOT-PECKERS: The offbeat output of otherwise opposed opposites; the ornithological overlapping of ornery owl with the wobbly and wry woodpecker. This wacky wallower is wildly watchful and wakeful without pause. Presenting, a pestering peeper that persistently pecks and pecks and pecks. Presently, this palooka is prized in problem-solving, as its perfectly purges pinewood of prolific parasites preventing the pine from putrefying. Ⓦ

DINGBAT: A spry and spirited surreal something that sits silently with sharp-sighted sprightliness. This courageous catcher cunningly captures caps, catapulting from cartilages contained in the compact cannons carried by chasers, careening on a collision course with the country critters they corner. This fearsome flurry is furiously fast and features a furred figure, feathered flappers, foreboding face and horns of a hart. The hurdler is the hero of hinterland habitants and the headache of hunters. Ⓦ

MILKING TROUT: A flummoxed fish frequently found feeding with unwieldiness under the utters of an unsuspecting and bewildered bovine bestriding bountiful and babbling brooks. Ⓦ

MILKING SNAKE: A myopic moccasin that must maintain its might on meals manufactured by a marauding milk-maker. Ⓦ

NOON BIRD: A migratory messenger that makes a massive, monstrous murmur, as momentous as a million megaphones, mindlessly, at midday. Ⓡ

ENGINEER-RAT [TONNAGE-RAT]: Rats residing in the rickety rocky regions were rockslides reoccur on the regular. If renegade rocks roll and rebound, the rats rightly regroup and resume their regiment for ready renovation. These useful underlings, unbelievably unseen, uplift the upset units and unfailingly unite the unearthed and unraveled upheaval with the utmost upkeep. Ⓦ