I. Never assume you're not an idiot.

II. Never assume you didn't mess up.

III. Apologize first but don't accept blame unless you're sure you're an idiot and you messed up.

IV. If you have no doubts about not being wrong then obviously you're not in the right.

V. If you have to ask then you probably don't know.

VI. Men seldom remember a list longer than six.

VII. Don't treat you're friends like enemies, but do treat your enemies like friends.

VIII. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach; the way to a woman's heart is through her mind.

IX. Ain't no good way to eat soup tired.

X. Never assume you're not you're own worst enemy.
Lenwood S. Sharpe, Director

Lumberwoods, Unnatural History Museum

Parts Unknown, The Woods, U.S.A.