Editor The Star: I have been taking your paper nigh on to ten years, and have been taking a great interest in your articles on the fish.
The cable-cleaning croppie is sure some fish, and so is the opium-pipe fish, but I know a fish that has them all beat so far that you could not have them for the dust. Us folks over on Salmon bay call it the rust-eating perch.
You may think this is a fish yarn, but ’tain't. I have two of them in captivity, and I have been making a good living off them. All the boys along the water front tote their anchor chains up to where I keep the fish corralled, and I “sick” my fish onto the chains, and the way they eat up the rust is a crime to civilization. The other day a fellow brought up his ingersoll watch, which he had dropped overboard. The darn thing had about six inches of rust on it. My fish lit into that rust, and before you could say Jack Robinson the watch looked better than when it came out of the store.
Well, as I got to go and feed the fish, I will have to close.