Mr. Stiner stood there patiently for three hours when the joke took another turn. The jokers had grown weary of his monotonous patience.
A specially appointed constable went up and arrested him for violating the game law, telling him that in Arizona the snipe season didn’t open until September 2.
Mr. Stiner was pained and surprised. He was taken to town and arraigned before a mock justice of the peace, who held him under $1,000 bond to appear for trial at 10 o’ clock the next morining. The bond was furnished after considerable delay and Mr. Stiner upon recomendation of friends employed Col. Crandell to defend him. P. T. Robertson representing the dignity of Arizona. A jury of twelve wass impaneled and the trail proceeded under a tree in a corral. A mass of evidence was introduced among which was the pilow case marked “Exhibit A” and the candles, “Exhibit B.” The story was told and a dozen citizens testified to Mr. Stiner’s open and flagrant violation of the law. One witness upon whom the territory relied to prove that a snipe had actually been caught by Mr. Stiner admitted under cross examination that he had not seen the snipe and had been unable to find any feathers.
Whereupon the district attorney moved to amend the complaint so that Mr. Stiner would stand charged, not with a violation of the game law, but with an intent to violate it.
The evidence was concluded and the jury retired returning half an hour later with a verdict of guilty.
Mr. Stiner was asked if he had any thing to day before sentence was passed upon. He arose and in a broken voice