We are not in the least surprised to learn that the whangdoodle has come. This ought to be a great year for whangdoodles. It would be hard to recall a time when there was more need for the fool-killer. The people seem to have gone daft. There is a tidal wave of folly over the entire country. Everywhere fools, who are ordinarily sensible men, are crying out against the hard times which were brought about by Republican legislation, and yet are falling over each other to vote the Republican ticket simply because the administration in power is labeled Democratic.
Certainly the whangdoodle ought to swarm upon us this year, and he ought to wax exceedingly fat upon his food of human folly.—Courier-Journal.

From— The Evening Bulletin. (Maysville, Ky.), 13 June 1894. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.