HAPPY AUGER: Kind of a keeper, akin to a kangaroo. Curiously and quaint to consider. Its twisting tail twirls and twitches, and it is handy in hewing holes into the lower landscape's loamy layers. Also, the animal is another affiliate of that association of animal augers.

RHINELAPUS: This remarkable representation of regional rarities is intrinsically irrefutable and interesting. Encaged ere the expiration of its extraordinary existence, this tripodal troglodyte is typically posed in a peculiar position perpetually hunched and huddled. Its hulking hide is a horrendous hue of the grossest green. Given the giant's gruesome gullet it is surmisable to supposed that the serpent is carnivorous in its continual cravings. Centered on its colossal cranium is hitched a hefty horn for hostile horseplay. The entity's eyes emerge, ever so eerily, rising from the rest with a resilient, reddish radiance.

MILEORMORE: A bizarre bird that believably bests the better selection of strange souls that seek shelter in the wild and wonderful woodlands. This weird wonder pecks its powerful proboscis into the pebbly ground gracefully granting it great gyration. Topsy-turvy in term it turns with tumultuous tornado-like rapidity resulting in a ruckus reverberating from its rump. This ringing resembles a whistling while it whirls. Without waver, one well wonders what the mileormore moniker might mean? It means, mostly, that many a mortal makes out the mesmeric music of the mileormore for a mile or more. Ⓡ

WHISTLING WHOO-HOO: A wild a whirling windstorm, alive, animate and aware, of the danger and destruction it deals. Ⓡ

HINGE-TAILED BINGBUFFER: A bold and barbaric beast boasting a big bundle of broad pebbles packed perfectly in a peculiar, port-side pouch. This gravel is then gunned for a grim and grisly game. The territorial terrestrial then tucks its torpedoes on its tail's terminal tip, and, in sling-shot style, the scamp shoots its shells to snuff any survivors in a steady siege of stones. Ⓦ Ⓡ

BALD-KNOB BUZZARD: A feathered fowl, in flight fundamental fowled up, with wings which well warrant working. The ligaments in the left are a little lacking limiting its levelness in levitation. Consequently, the condor constantly circles and cannot control nor correct its coordination. Ⓡ

WINDYO: A shadowy and shuddersome sort of scoundrel seemingly sounding a windy whisper wherever in this weird world it wills to wander. Ⓢ

WHIMPERING WINGDING: A lugubrious and lamenting little lumberer that snivels so somberly that the sheer sorrow of its sobs is solely sufficient to wipe out a whole wilderness of it wolves within a week. The wolves wasting and withering from woe wrought by the whinding.

AUGERINO : A bestially botheration that burrows beneath the soil spilling the synthetic streams ingeniously invented for the intention of irrigating the fertile fields fallowed by farmers. This regrettable recourse the reptile realizes with a cunning corkscrew contrivance conjoined to the creature’s seemingly sizable and strikingly strange snout. Ⓦ

HICKLESNOOPUS: A conniving and curious cat capable of creating a chilling cry causing a clamor culminating in confusion and chaos. Ⓡ