At Last! Here’s One Real Honest-to-Goodness Piscatorial Curiosity.

You have read in The Star of a number of freak fish discovered by piscatory artists on Puget sound. Some of the stories were real fishy. None of the claimants wore able to produce photographic evidence of their discoveries and “Vic,” The, Star cartoonist, was called upon to illustrate their probable appearance.
Today, however, Roy Jensen, of the Scandinavian American bank, supplies the photographic proof of a bonafide rare fish, which he caught in the Wallace river last Sunday.
Here is his letter:
“Editor The Star: I am sending you a picture of the head of a hybrid fish, caught last Sunday in the Wallace river, between Goldbar and Startup, which has the upper jaw of a sheep’s head, the lower jaw of salmon, meat of salmon, and markings of a rainbow trout and a trout tail.
“I have had considerable experience in 14 years of fishing, but never before has such an unusual combination fish been brought to my notice. Neither did the superintendent of the Goldbar hatchery ever see or hear of one like it. it has the true rainbow coloring and marking, but the meat of the steelhead. Its lower jaw is like that of a salmon, yet its tail is unmistakably that of a trout.
“I was fishing In the shallow part of the river with a spoon and small hook baited with a cedar grub. When I got the strike, I played with the fish for 20 minutes with line kept taut. When I got it almost close enough to land, the fish made one last jump, and the leader snapped. But I thrust my left hand into its mouth and hold tight. The fish measures 25 ½ inches and weighed eight pounds.”